5 Steps to Actually Achieving Your 2020 New Year’s Goals
February 13, 2020

5 Steps to Achieving Your 2020 New Year’s Goals
It’s a narrative that is all too familiar.
After a holiday season full of excessive shopping, Netflix binging and overindulging in desserts, January comes around and everyone seems to be newly committed to their goals. The new year brings a focus on health, relationships, finances and more. You might have even pledged to keep a resolution or two yourself.
But as the year progresses, motivation and intentions die out. Eventually you find yourself in the same old routine as the year before. Often, people have a hard time recalling what resolutions they set in the first place.
It’s no secret that January 1st brings an influx of commitments to improved lifestyles. Fitness classes fill up, meal plans are purchased, planners and self-help books fly off the shelfs. But did you know that approximately 80 percent of resolutions “fail” by mid-February (U.S. News)? That’s a lot of abandoned resolutions.
So, what are the other 20 percent of people doing to stay committed to their goals beyond February? How do you retain motivation throughout the year? Here are a few tips from Nu Skin executives for maintaining your 2020 goals.
1. Have 20/20 vision when setting new goals
“Start with a clear vision of what you would like to accomplish for the year. Then set goals that will ensure progression toward that vision in each area of your life. A clear plan in the beginning will help keep your life balanced and focused as the year progresses.” -Ritch Wood, CEO
Before you plan anything, goals should be set with clear intention and vision in mind. Perhaps ask yourself, “Why is this important to you? How do I envision the end results? How exactly will it enhance my life?” When setting new goals, start with your “why” and throughout the year, continue to use it as a constant reminder to progress and move forward.
2. Set reachable goals and track your progress
“It’s important to set reachable goals and create accountability for accomplishing them. Seeing progress builds momentum and helps you stay motivated throughout the year.” -Jeff Bettinger, SVP Global Human Resources
What does this look like for you? Maybe it means telling a few close friends about your goal to run a 10K. You can create accountability by asking them to follow up with you so that you can feel motivated to continue working toward it. Break it up into smaller goals that you can work on day by day, continually progressing towards your ultimate goal.

3. Start small and be consistent
“For me, the best way to achieve goals is to change small behaviors and be consistent. Over time, those small changes will result in achieving big dreams and living an intentional, purposeful life.” -Ruth Todd, SVP Global Public Affairs
Occasionally in life, we are confronted with making significant lifestyle changes like schooling, career, moving to a new house or apartment, marriage and family, etc. But much more often, we are inspired to make small changes that can lead to gradual, yet long-term, improvements in our lives. Take for instance someone who wants to improve their sleep schedule. A small change can be to stop looking at your phone 30 minutes before bed in order to calm your mind and ease you into better sleep. This minor adjustment can end up making vast improvements in your quality of sleep. Small changes can make a big difference.
4. Don’t be afraid to challenge yourself in news areas
“I utilize the new year to assess where I am heading directionally in my life, rather than focusing on a specific outcome. Therefore, what I tend to focus on is the trajectory that I am on personally, professionally, intellectually, spiritually, and relationally. Doing this could lead many to consider taking on a side hustle or pursuing a passion project. It can be a great way to get you out of a rut and can challenge you in new areas of your life.” -Ryan Napierski, President
Life should be about challenging yourself and actively feeding your passions. Whether it’s improving a skill, furthering a relationship or pursuing an idea, being brave and more active in your goals will result in a more fulfilling and engaging lifestyle.
5. Make it a lifestyle change
“I’m a big believer in making lifestyle changes throughout the year, rather than just committing myself to arbitrary goals at the start of the year. I try to find balance by allowing myself the freedom to pivot when needed and by making time for the things that I love.” -Vince Perfetti, SVP Chief Transformation Officer
Goals shouldn’t just be a temporary challenge for yourself. They should be created with the intention of making a long-term adjustment in your lifestyle. For example, instead of seeing your new health goal as temporarily going off soda for 12 months, try to look at it as adopting a healthier, long-term lifestyle of consuming less processed sugar. When our resolutions are connected to improvements to our health and satisfaction throughout our lives, we are much more likely to sustain these changes in the long run.

It's a new year! Set your goals with intention and make them happen. Turn this into a year you can reflect on and see how far you've come. Start with your “why” and don’t be afraid to take that first step.
Can you recall the days when online social sharing didn’t exist, advertisements were only in print and on TV, and cookies were just the baked goods your grandma would make on the weekends? These seemingly ancient days are far behind us as social media continues to evolve every day.
Photo by Ella Olsson