Improved Health & Wellness with the Pharmanex BioPhotonic Scanner
February 08, 2018
Changing health related behavior can be difficult to achieve and sustain. Yet a recent study by Spees et al., (2016) noted some interest factors (1). This study evaluated the efficacy of a program designed to provide diet, nutrition, and lifestyle modifications for a group of people. Modifying lifestyle behaviors including regular physical activity, consumption of fruits and vegetables, and maintaining a healthy body weight have been shown in research to improve quality of life (2). This study used the BioPhotonic Scanner as a measure of fruit and vegetable intake.
The study, which lasted 4 months, included 22 people who completed the program requirements. The program involved having access to harvesting produce (fruits, vegetables, herbs) at an urban garden as well as group and individual education classes on healthy living. Data was collected on the compliance of the program, including diet and physical activity, along with values for serum and skin carotenoids. The BioPhotonic Scanner was used in this study to measure skin carotenoids. The results of the study demonstrated an increase in consumption of fruits and vegetables and an expected increase in the levels of skin carotenoid scores. The researchers also concluded that the results of this study support the feasibility and efficacy of this intervention for this population.
The BioPhotonic Scanner is a patented, cutting-edge scientific tool that non-invasively measures carotenoid levels in the skin. Carotenoids are a group of colorful pigments which are found in many fruits and vegetables. Previous research demonstrates that the Scanner is an accurate indicator of skin carotenoids and correlates with serum carotenoid levels (3). Additionally, Pharmanex scientists have collected other data on factors typically associated with scan scores such as fruit and vegetable intake, body mass index, smoke and sun exposure, and supplement intake. This empowers individuals to make improvements in their dietary habits and lifestyle choices, including which dietary supplements they choose to consume.
This study is a fitting example of the BioPhotonic Scanner being used as a force for good in the world in people who are seeking to improve their quality of life as well as used in important scientific research.
To learn more about the BioPhotonic Scanner, visit

Written by
Tanner Gibb
Technical Communication & Education Manager
1. Spees CK, Hill EB, Grainger EM, Buell JL, White SE, Kleinhenz MD, Clinton SK. Feasibility, Preliminary Efficacy, and Lessons Learned From a Garden-Based Lifestyle Intervention for Cancer Survivors. Cancer Control. 2016 Jul;23(3):302-10.
2. Wiseman M. The second World Cancer Research Fund/American Institute for Cancer Research expert report. Food, nutrition, physical activity, and the prevention of cancer: a global perspective. Proc Nutr Soc. 2008;67(3):253–256.
3. Zidichouski J, Mastaloudis A, Poole S, et al. Clinical validation of a noninvasive, Raman Spectroscopic method to assess carotenoid nutritional status in humans. J Am Coll Nutr. 2009;28(6):687–693.