Creating History with a European Flare
October 02, 2014

The 2014 EMEA Convention, held in Barcelona, Spain was a resounding success with the nearly 3000 enthusiastic Distributors coming from more than 30 countries. Each attendee shared in the energy and spirit of renewal and opportunity prevalent during the event.
The convention presentations fueled the audience with passion to raise the bar for 2015 and reach out for stellar goals ahead. During convention, each attendee had the opportunity to listen to inspiring presentations, engage in workshops and connect with others to prepare to streamline their business.

During the 2 days of convention, a wide range of topics were covered by guest speakers. Truman Hunt, Sandie Tillotson and Steve Lund shared personal stories of their road to success, as well as Nu Skin’s vision and 3.0 goals for the coming years. Dan Chard and Diederik Doorenbos introduced a range of new initiatives to support distributors in their growth, while Joe Chang revealed insights for the long-awaited ageLOC Tru Face Essence Ultra.
The event wrapped up with exciting news regarding the destination of the 2016 Team Up Success Trip in Miami, Florida!
The convention inspired sales leaders and provided them with new strengths to continue to expand their business opportunity throughout EMEA.
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