‘Share This’ - Nu Skin’s 2012 Social Media Recap
January 21, 2013

2012 was a great year of growth for the Nu Skin online community. If you’ve missed out on the fun, here is a recap:
1. Online Presence – The Nu Skin online community expanded from The Source, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube to now include Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and even Instagram. There are now more ways to connect with Nu Skin than ever before. Make sure you’re following these platforms to keep up with the freshest Nu Skin content.
2. Making Connections – Thank you for all your ‘likes’, ‘comments’, and ‘shares.’ It is because of you that Nu Skin’s corporate Facebook page hit 52,000 fans, and market’s Facebook pages totaled 50,000 fans at the end of 2012. We love seeing everyone spread the Nu Skin love!
3. Global Reach – In 2012 we’ve seen more markets get involved with social media. Now you can see what distributors are doing in Europe, Latin America and North America, Hong Kong and Taiwan, South East Asia, and the South Pacific. Click here to find our official market pages.
4. Content – Nu Skin’s online content has grown. Through your feedback and comments we’ve developed many different types of content, including images, corporate slides, videos, helpful articles, press releases, infographics, and information and recaps of our latest events. There will be more to come in 2013.
Together, we are building a great online community. None of this could have been accomplished without YOU! We would like to extend a heartfelt “Thank you” for liking, sharing, commenting, +1’ing, pinning, and connecting with us. Let’s make 2013 just as awesome.
What do you want to see in 2013?
Feel free to tell us in the comments section what you want to see median Skin do online in 2013.
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