#TR90 Challenge: #MyTransformation
November 11, 2013

The TR90 Global Challenge is under way! There are only a couple more weeks to register, so get on it! Here are the basics of what you need to know to start your transformation and be a part of the TR90 Challenge.

- Registration ends at midnight on November 30, 2013. The Challenge is from September 1, 2013 to midnight February 28, 2014. You may register at: http://www.tr90dailytracker.com/
And click 'Sign Up'

- If you’re already have an a TR90 Tracker account, simply log in with your email and password,

- Once logged in, click 'TR90 Challenge' on the left hand side, and then click 'Accept'

- You can also join the TR90 Challenge from your mobile device. Click the menu icon (≡) in the top left corner, and then click 'TR90 Challenge.' Then click 'Accept.'
- Be sure to follow the TR90 Tracker App reminders to taking photos at the beginning and at each milestone (Day 1, 15, 30, 60, and 90). You will be asked to submit 2 photos best displaying your transformation at the end of your 90 days. Click here for photo requirements: http://www.tr90.com/tr90/en/program/body/photo-tips.html
- Set a Transformation Number. Your Transformation Number should represent your success in the challenge. It could be weight you have lost, distance you can now run, or your new clothing size. You will be asked to submit your Transformation Number at the end of 90 days.
- Be prepared to write your Transformation Story. Think about your goals, and your motivation to achieve those goals. At the end of 90 days, you will be prompted to submit your Transformation Story.
- At the end of your 90 days, submit your Transformation Story Transformation Number and Photos from December 1, 2013 to February 28, 2014.
Round One Judging, and Market Finalists will be posted on March 10, 2014
Round Two, Regional Finalists will be posted on March 20, 2014
Regional winners will be announced and posted on March 31, 2014
- Lastly, don’t forget to join the conversation on Facebook, Twitter and other social media sites by using #MyTransformation and #TR90 in your comments.
For more information on the ageLOC TR90 program, visit www.tr90.com
For full listing of official rules please visit http://www.tr90.com/tr90/en/challenge/rules.html
Good luck! We wish you the best on your journey to a stronger, leaner you.
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