Nu Skin's Force For Good Foundation Update
April 10, 2013

Poverty can be crippling for children and their families’ ability to lead healthy, productive lives. The Nu Skin Force for Good Foundation supports numerous programs that offer sustainable methods for becoming economically independent.
Before attending SAFI, Ndevusayiti and Zeliya Chinjikani’s lives were often plagued with hunger. After graduating from SAFI, their farm has successfully grown and now they can even afford to raise pigs. Their relatives’ and neighbors’ lives have also improved because of the SAFI farming techniques the Chinjikani’s are sharing. read more
In 2013, fruit trees will be planted and given to underprivileged children who are struggling to provide for themselves. Children will be able to use the trees for sustainable food production as well as a source of income. Thanks to Nu Skin’s distributors and customers who have purchased Epoch Body Butter, new trees will provide lasting benefits to children in need. read more
The most recent graduates from the School of Agriculture for Family Independence thank the generous donors from Nu Skin that have made their journey to independence possible. In a graduation address, gratitude was expressed on behalf of SAFI for the efforts of Napoleon Dzombe and the Nu Skin Force for Good Foundation for changing the lives of so many people in Malawi. The clip also highlights the day-to-day happenings of SAFI as students learn more efficient farming skills and implement them to become independent. read more
To read more about how the Nu Skin Force for Good Foundation is helping families become economically independent, read here.
Let's talk about it: How you you being a force for good in your communities?
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