Healthy and Hopeful
April 16, 2014

Tin is of the children supported by the Nu Skin Southeast Asia Children’s Heart Fund. When Tin was a toddler, her mother noticed that she was breathing abnormally. After several visits to the doctor, she was diagnosed with a heart condition. Tin’s condition prevented her from playing outdoors with other children, and it deprived her of the chance to go to school. Tin’s family could not afford the operation needed to provide her with the proper cardiac treatment.
With the assistance provided by the Southeast Asia Children’s Heart Fund, Tin underwent a successful surgery and is now a healthy child. Tin’s parents hope that soon Tin will start attending school, and they are grateful for all the Nu Skin Southeast Asia Children’s Heart Fund has done for them.
The Southeast Asia Children’s Heart Fund provides lifesaving corrective heart surgeries for children suffering from congenital heart disease whose families cannot afford the operation. To read more about Tin and other social efforts made by Nu Skin, please read our latest Creating Smiles Quarterly Report.
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