Corrective Heart Surgery Helps Save Lives in Thailand
June 26, 2013

The Nu Skin Southeast Asia Children’s Heart Fund provides life-saving corrective heart surgeries for underprivileged children suffering from congenital heart disease. The Fund steps in and provides surgeries for children whose families cannot afford the operation. Here is an update on one of the children the fund saved 10 years ago.
When Chanida Limpanaporn was born in 2002, doctors found that she had a rare and serious heart defect in which the two main arteries leaving the heart were reversed. Her parents were frightened when their beautiful daughter turned blue due to a lack of oxygen.
The Southeast Asia Children’s Heart Fund saw Chanida’s need and provided the funds for her surgery in 2002. It has been ten years since her surgery and Chanida is now thriving.
In school, Chanida is a great student and is constantly in the top of her class. In her spare time, she loves dancing and being active. She says she wants to be a mathematics teacher when she grows up and wants to be the best daughter she can be.
On average, the Nu Skin Southeast Asia Children’s Heart Fund saves more than one child’s life every day. In 2012, there were 440 other children like Chanida who were saved through the Southeast Asia Children’s Heart Fund.
Please click here to donate to the Southeast Asia Children’s Heart Fund.
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